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Dumpster Sizes

Selecting the right dumpster size for your project in Joliet, IL can be tricky. Picking one too large is a waste of money while picking one too small can leave you without enough room for all of the waste and debris you need to dispose of.

We recommend calling us at 815-271-7109 so that we can recommend an appropriate dumpster size for you. Our years of experience allow us to accurately estimate the exact size you need for your specific project.

Just so that you can get an idea of what size dumpster you might need before you call, we’ve listed the sizes we offer below and what they’re most commonly used for when it comes to dumpster rental Joliet, Illinois.

10 Yard Dumpsters

12’ long x 8’ wide x 4’ high

In most cases a 10 yard dumpster is most appropriate for medium sized cleanup projects and smaller remodeling projects.

  • - Small kitchen and/or bath remodeling project
  • - Single shingle roof debris of up to 1,500 square feet
  • - Medium sized attic, basement, or garage cleanouts
  • - Deck removal of up to 250 square feet

20 Yard Dumpsters

22’ long x 8’ wide x 4.5’ high

The 20 yard dumpster is nearly twice as long as the 10 yard and it generally your best choice when it comes to large home cleanup projects and mid sized renovation projects.

  • - Deck removal of up to 300 to 400 square feet
  • - Larger garage, attic, or basement cleanouts
  • - Single shingle roof debris of 2,500 to 3,000 square feet
  • - Carpet or flooring removal for larger homes

30 Yard Dumpsters

22’ long x 8’ wide x 6’ high

The 30 yard dumpsters have the same dimensions as the 20 yard variant but with higher walls. This makes them great for home clean-out, remodeling, and renovation projects for very large homes.

  • - Two car garage demolition
  • - New home construction
  • - Major home additions
  • - Complete siding or window replacement on a small to medium home

40 Yard Dumpsters

22’ long x 8’ wide x 8’ high

Once again the dimensions are the same as the 20 and 30 yard variants but with higher walls. These massive dumpsters are only used for the largest projects.

  • - Major additions to a building or new construction
  • - Complete siding or window replacement for a large home
  • - Commercial building cleanout
  • - Commercial roof tear off

Call Us Now for a Free Size Estimate

Choosing the right dumpster size for your project is of critical importance but can be a tricky task. Making the wrong choice can have undesirable consequences such as overpaying or not having enough space for waste and debris.

Give us a call at 815-271-7109 and we’ll be glad to speak with you and advise you on which dumpster size is best for your specific project.

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Top Dog Dumpster Rental Joliet, Illinois

2210 Oak Leaf St.
Joliet, Illinois 60436
United States

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